The Bookstore at Lane House
featuring NH authors
The Lane House Arts Center is pleased to introduce the Bookstore at Lane House. This is a small book "store" featuring books by NH writers and/or books about NH.
Our bookstore is a work-in-progress and continuing to grow. Current authors include:
RM Allen JL Long
Robert Begiebing Amy Makechnie
Denise Brown David McNicholas
Anthony Caplan Ed Pacht
Karen Desrosiers J Dennis Robinson
Brittany Eldridge Samantha Simard
Michael Harmon Syd Sullivan
Stephen Hartford Katherine Towler
If you are a NH writer and/or have a book that feature NH and are interested in having your book(s) available in the Bookstore at Lane House, please email Karen at We are also interested in having authors into the gallery for book readings, chats, and signings.
All books are accepted and sold on a commission basis.